We all want to do better for the Earth and most of us would probably be more open to doing so if we knew just how easy it really can be! I’m sharing my 4 easy and sustainable bathroom swaps with you so you can learn how easy being sustainable is. This is in no […]
Natural Home
DIY Soothing Eczema Bath Tea
An easy to put together DIY soothing eczema bath tea with ingredients you most likely already have in your pantry. Toss this little tea bag into a warm bath and enjoy the benefits of simple, calming ingredients as you relax your way to softer and less itchy skin. I know this bath tea is a […]
Natural First Aid Kit for Home and Travel
Are you looking to revamp your old first aid kit that’s full of decrepit antibiotic ointment and crusty calamine lotion? Keep reading to find out what we use in our natural first aid kit at home and for travel! Using a natural first aid kit is a good start to ridding your home of toxic […]